
Thursday 11 February 2021

Integers Game~ Maths


Today in maths we were learning about multiplying and dividing integers. One of our tasks was to try and play a math game. It was pretty fun and easy :)) The game link is there if you want to play. 

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Project,, Maybury Royale,, Team DonkCorn

Hello people who still read my blog post. So yes, recently I have started high school and
I have been put in a class known as Akomanga Kaihanga. We are a project based learning class that
does many different unique things. We take information from the community and put it into action. 
My group, Team DonkCorn, consists of the members Maya, Kingston, Jaylim, Tata, Poiva and I(Mafi).
Just like every other group we have a project idea, and it is a support system for family issues.
We didn’t necessarily say family violence as itself alone yet family issues.
Family issues can be violence, drug abuse and many more, basically anything that affects the family’s
relationships or bond.
What we hope to get out of this project are the community’s opinion, to gather and make the community
stronger, and for fun events for kids to enjoy. 

So yes we have reached the end, if you have any requirements or any interest in supporting, funding or
attending the event, please reach out to me or comment down below. 

Thank you :))

Wednesday 4 December 2019

Equal pay for equal work(SLJ teaser week)

In my opinion I personally think they both deserve the same amount of money and support for many reasons. The Black Ferns - New Zealand women team - have far more power and influence in 15-aside rugby than the men. They have already won five World Cups compared to the All Blacks' three', but they lag far behind in both profile and pay. They are barely recognized because the media intentionally decides to not televise or show any of their games and interviews. Which I find very very biased, if you feel just as bad it could help if you too support The Black Ferns. Thank you :))
Image result for black ferns
Black Ferns

Task: For this activity, please think about this issue of the gender pay gap carefully. It is quite controversial (some people agree with it and some people disagree with it).
On your blog, tell us what you think. Is it fair? Why or why not? Be sure to explain exactly why you feel the way that you do.

Monday 2 December 2019

Teaser for Summer Learning Journey #1

Today was the start of teasers for the Summer Learning Journey. Our task today was to create an infographic based on Lorde. I personally enjoyed this task because I let my creativity run wild. Overall it was pretty easy and very fun.

Thursday 22 August 2019

Evaluation For My Project - Technology Wood

*Very Long Blog Post*

Question 1: How well did I do in completing all of the things that I needed to do for this project?
 Answer: Not trying to complement myself, but I would have to say I did pretty well. I did well with the visuals, but I can't say that about the measurements. I did as best as I could but it could have been better. It is something I can continue to work on. Overall I think I did okay :))

Question 2: The design ideas? And Final Choice? 

Answer: So before we handle wood, we needed at least 8 possible ideas to choose from. I couldn't bother(which is wrong) to even have 8 design ideas, but I still managed to get 5. After 2-3 weeks, it was time to choose a design, I then went ahead and choose a piano for a gift.

Question 3: The Working Drawing? 

Answer: So after I chose my design, I needed to create a working drawing. Why? It's to show that it is possible and I have a plan before I start. So considering a piano was a well known design chosen amongst students, there was already a design working on the wall. So I copied that and my Working Drawing was done. The Process Of My Design  

Question 4: The Marking Out?

Answer: I used a ruler and pencil to mark out the lines. The whole point of this process is basically to create a joint as it was a main focus of making our project. Our next step is to saw, so marking out the lines is a guidance to saw as in cut straight.

Question 5: The Sawing?

Answer: Like I stated in the previous paragraph, sawing is needed. The whole point of the lines is to saw correctly and straight. It is very important to saw correctly as it is a danger hazard to be swinging it around. It is also very important to saw straight as you want your joint to be strong and stable. Sawing also makes your chiselling life easier 

Question 6: The Chiselling? 

Answer: As I link from paragraph to paragraph, YES it is true sawing helps you to chisel the wood. How? After marking out the lines and sawing them, it basically is the road to start chiseling out. A proper way to chisel is by taking little hits with a wooden mullet(tool) or a little and rough push at the end of a chisel. A tip: Also if you are chiselling, do not chisel down it could ruin your entire wood/work
Example of how a chisel works!
Question 7: The Assembly? 

Answer: The Process Of My Design After doing the first few steps, I needed all my parts to then assemble it - as in project. So after all of these steps, I have two chiseled out joints, and a piece of wood that should come out of 320 cm of wood. Now to assemble, you put the piece of wood horizontally in between the two chiseled joints, when completed glue is needed to hold the wood together. It is then needed to dry

Question 8: Looking At What I Have Produced? Does It Work? Does It Look Good?

After completing all these steps, my project turned out fine just my measurements were not really the best. It does work, for its purpose. It is supposed to be a piano with a box inside it to hold little objects. It looks pretty good by itself, but if I keep working on its visuals it would look even better and more attractive 

Question 9: If I could/were?

If I could redo the project it would be to pay more attention and focus. My project turned out well but my measurements are something I can work on by far. They were a little bit off, and crooked :) If I could change something about it? Like I said for the billionth time it would be the measurements, and to draw/cut the lines more straight. 

Thank you for reading this very long blog post ! 

Monday 12 August 2019

Mental Math

This morning I completed a daily test of "Mental Math ". This site is suppose to time us on how well we can answer questions based on speed.

Tuesday 6 August 2019

Revision ~

Today I did a maths task, and I really did find it a little bit difficult considering it was division with decimals.  I could improve by practicing a lot and revisiting the site.