
Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Project,, Maybury Royale,, Team DonkCorn

Hello people who still read my blog post. So yes, recently I have started high school and
I have been put in a class known as Akomanga Kaihanga. We are a project based learning class that
does many different unique things. We take information from the community and put it into action. 
My group, Team DonkCorn, consists of the members Maya, Kingston, Jaylim, Tata, Poiva and I(Mafi).
Just like every other group we have a project idea, and it is a support system for family issues.
We didn’t necessarily say family violence as itself alone yet family issues.
Family issues can be violence, drug abuse and many more, basically anything that affects the family’s
relationships or bond.
What we hope to get out of this project are the community’s opinion, to gather and make the community
stronger, and for fun events for kids to enjoy. 

So yes we have reached the end, if you have any requirements or any interest in supporting, funding or
attending the event, please reach out to me or comment down below. 

Thank you :))