
Wednesday 21 February 2018

Google On AIr 😀👍🎒

Today my group and I were chosen to do a task, about independent and dependent clause. We were given a task to do, by playing Quizizz, and Studyladder. As my group kept on trying I won for Quizizz, got 100 % on my Clause Type identification exercise sheet and passed with 100 % on my Studyladder. I found this task very easy because I figured out the strategy.


  1. Fantastic work Mafi! From your results I can see that you understand what simple, compound and complex sentences are. Which is your favourite sentence type to write? Do you have one that you sometimes struggle with?

  2. Hi Miss Donaldson

    Thank you Miss Donaldson for the amazing feedback. Answering your question I somehow struggle with the compound sentences, by finding the right FANBOYS or Aaawwubbis. Thank you again for the lovely comment.

    -Mafi 😊😌
