
Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Our First DARE With Constable Tenia!

Today we spent our day with a police who apparently works down the street from up. Her name is Constable Tenia and she always supports our school. Today she came in to our class and explain what is a drug and why people are addicted, I was excited because this was known for our first. Our first task was in our groups, speaking groups we had group why people take drugs. Most of the answers belong Lack Of Self Esteem, meaning I just want want to. Then we(Room 6) got to know each other more, she said that her favourite food is homemade cheeseburgers, and I don't blame her. Now come to think it try rerise a moment that you did a bad thing and think were you encouraged by a friend, you were bored, you think you are not safe. Think and think hard, and you will find your answer.Thank you Constable Tenia for coming and sharing what you know, looking forward to see you again.

Scavenger Hunt Tourist In The South Island

Wrapping up from Class On Air I had a task to create a Scavenger Hunt on google forms which I found fun. This contains information about the South Island. They also contain what tourist can do, what is in the South Island, famous people borned in South Island and many more. Comment if you need help or do not understand, and rate it. Good LUCK !....

Friday, 22 June 2018

Collaborative Problem Solving 22.06.18

Today I created a DLO based on Collaborative Problem Solving which we had on our devices. I think I did a great because I did work by myself and did a great job based on this. I had done the Challenge and Super Challenge. The Challenge contains as a algebraic question meaning it has a variable, and the Super Challenge contains solving a problem by using the clues you have. Click the picture if you cannot see or click Here .

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Math Fighter Integer Operations

Today in Room 12 I had a turn at this educational game who helped me a lot and noticed that I have won knock out.  I had a lot of fun on this especially knowing that learn new things. Here have go and comment your result. Link 😀😀😀

Monday, 18 June 2018

Heart Foundation!

Today in my technology class I created a design on this site called Free Logo Maker. Many question ran through my mind so I picked Heart Foundation, and created my own logo. I put two medkits on the side mean with a lot of money we could buy more medikits, medications and many more. Then two hands in the middle holding a heart represents everybody can help to even save one heart, and life.Image result for heart foundation quotes

Friday, 15 June 2018

Matariki Celebrations

Here In Glen Innes we held a day at school to show all our art, displays and many more about Matariki. After spending nearly one week, with the help of my mum I managed to get it done. Now 15 of June is the date that  Matariki apparently starts which is today. Matariki shows that a new maori year has arrived. Next year in 2019 it land on  10 of june. My project and Eden's(Friend)  has also been put as Room 6's display. After 4:00 we will be enjoying a hangi well cooked from amazing people.