
Friday 22 June 2018

Collaborative Problem Solving 22.06.18

Today I created a DLO based on Collaborative Problem Solving which we had on our devices. I think I did a great because I did work by myself and did a great job based on this. I had done the Challenge and Super Challenge. The Challenge contains as a algebraic question meaning it has a variable, and the Super Challenge contains solving a problem by using the clues you have. Click the picture if you cannot see or click Here .


  1. Good afternoon Mafi, I don't know if you still remember me from Glen Innes School, but you actually made some progress in getting all your answers correct. Keep up the good work!!

  2. Hello Megan

    If you may not know I indeed do remember you. Thank you so much for the lovely comment, and I hope you learned something. Nice talking to you.

